More About Me
Oh hello!
I’m Hannah. I’m a developer, a theater person, a mom, an older sister, a New Yorker (but also a Jersey Girl), and so much more!
In re: tech - I’m a full stack developer, but with a strong interest on the front end. I love learning new things and working with others. I especially enjoy working on user-facing products and features, but I am always open to contributing deeper down in the stack when I can.
In re: theater - I’m an actor/singer/dancer and also a stage manager. I usually (but not always!) end up playing the funny roles. Some favorite roles: Little Sally (Urinetown), Little Red (Into the Woods), Trinculo (The Tempest).
In re: background - I was born in NYC, but grew up in northern NJ. I got interested in technology at about age 12, when I read a book called “So You Want to Build A Website” in the middle school library during lunch. At the same time, I became heavily involved in all aspects of theater. I pursued these weirdly orthogonal interests all through high school and college - even to the point where I majored in Computer Science, but minored in Theater. After college, I worked in professional theater for 4 years, both in NYC and also touring the country with the awesome Missoula Children’s Theatre. Then I took a slight(?) change of direction and started working at Adaptly in 2014. I started at Gusto in 2019, and have been there ever since!
In re: likes - Dogs, especially my dog Groot, cheese, learning new things, music, spending time with my family and friends, coffee, fun earrings, the smell of lavender.
In re: dislikes - Ants, humidity, trying to sleep with a stuffy nose.